Unofficial Election Results Here

The unofficial election results are here!

Click here for the results from San Diego County

Click here for statewide results

49th Congressional District 
In a race Democrats are anxious to win to increase their strength in Washington, Republican Diane Harkey is heading for a November runoff in the battle to replace retiring Representative Darrell Issa, but she'll face a Democratic challenger. She will be challenged in November by environmental attorney and former Orange County Democratic Party official Mike Levin, who finished in second place Tuesday. Sara Jacobs, who conducted foreign affairs work during the Obama Administration, finished in third place, followed by retired Marine Col. Doug Applegate, who nearly defeated Issa in 2016.

50th Congressional District 
Incumbent Republican Duncan Hunter, finished firmly in first place for the seat he's held since 2009 and that his father, Duncan D. Hunter, held long before that. Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, a former Department of Labor spokesman, finished second and will face Hunter in the November runoff.

SD County Board of Supervisors 
Republican Jim Desmond easily led a field of four candidates in his bid for a seat on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, but he fell short of the majority needed to avoid a November runoff.  Meanwhile, former Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher and former District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis are bound for a November showdown for another board seat.  After 23 years in office, supervisors Ron Roberts and Bill Horn are terming out of District 4 and District 5, respectively, which prompted a mix of political veterans and newcomers to pursue their seats in Tuesday's primary. Since no one earned an outright majority, the top two choices from each race will move on to the November general election. In District 4, Fletcher held a very slim lead in the race over Dumanis, but was well short of the majority needed to claim victory outright. In District 5, San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond will head to the November general election. He will be challenged by Democrat Michelle Gomez, a legislative analyst and volunteer.

SD County District Attorney 
District Attorney Summer Stephan easily won reelection to her post, besting challenger Genevieve Jones-Wright, a deputy public defender.

SD City Council 

District 2: Incumbent City Councilwoman Lorie Zapf, a Republican, cruised to the November general, where she will face retired doctor Jennifer Campbell, a Democrat.

District 4: Incumbent City Councilwoman Myrtle Cole, a Democrat, led her race for re-electiononly narrowly ahead of Democratic civil rights lawyer Monica Montgomery. The two will face each other in November.

District 6: Incumbent City Councilman Chris Cate, a Republican, held a commanding lead all night. We will be challenged by Democratic broadcaster and environmental advocate Tommy Hough.

District 8: Political staffer Vivian Moreno will head to November's general election race, but two candidates were in a dead heat for the second spot on the ballot. With 92 percent of precincts reporting, San Ysidro school board member Antonio Martinez held a roughly 250-vote lead over human rights advocate Christian Ramirez. Both candidates are Democrats. Given the close nature of the race, the second-place finisher may not be determined until all provisional, questioned and late ballots are tallied.

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