San Diego Doctor Helps Create New Anti Venom

A San Diego doctor has helped create a new rattlesnake treatment.

Dr. Richard Clark is the Director of Toxicology at UCSD Medical Center and head of poison control.

"A new anti venom is now approved by the FDA to treat rattle snake bites that should have improvements over the current anti venom and should be beneficial. "

Dr. Clark tells KOGO news this venom is made differently and hopes it will stay in the body longer and allow a patient to not need more treatment than they normally get. 

"With patients today there are quite a few a couple days after they get anti venom and go home start to get abnormal blood tests studies and get somewhat sick and this should eliminate that, but only with trials will it be confirmed."

It should be available to buy in the next couple of weeks. This new anti venom will be at UCSD Medical Center and Rady Children's Hospital.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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