WATCH: The Most Famous Part of San Diego

Sometimes when you live in a place like San Diego where so many people come to visit and wish they lived here, it’s easy to miss the proverbial forest for the trees.

With a lot of tourists and relatives visiting San Diego this month, from other places, one place that many of them will visit is the San Diego Zoo, the World Famous San Diego Zoo.And this week, we were once again reminded how world famous our zoo is.

The San Diego Zoo was ranked among the top web cams of 2019, according to EarthCam.

The list includes 25 webcams “from the wild to the serene.”

Some of the cameras that made the list are The Abbey Road Crossing Cam and the Empire State Building.

And just a few days ago, something happened that the San Diego Zoo is maybe most famous for and most proud of…its efforts to save threatened wildlife.

The recent birth of a white rhino born at the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park was in the news worldwide with it being the 100th southern white rhino to be born at the park at a time several rhino species are being pushed toward extinction.

And with the new rhino being named “Future”, it’s kind of a reminder to us who are fortunate enough to be able to live in San support this world famous treasure that was created more than 100 years ago so that it is just as important 100 years from now as it is today.

READ MORE about the history of San Diego Zoo.

(Photo credit reporting partner 10News)

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