San Diego Braces For King Tides

Photo: Getty Images

King tides are rolling into San Diego county beaches, swelling some local bays, reports NBC7.

The King Tides are caused by the alignment of the Earth, moon, and sun that create extremely high tides.

According to NBC7, this is also a reminder of California's rising sea levels.

In years past, the high tide has caused flooding in Imperial Beach and La Jolla Shores.

City of San Diego workers have set up berms along beaches and bays to keep most of the water away from homes and businesses.

On Saturday morning (December 4) a group of volunteers gathered at Rose Creek near Mission Bay to document the change to the creek's shoreline.

The event was part of the California King Tides Project. Residents across the California coast are uploading videos and photos to help the state keep track of the changing coastline.

“What’s really striking is how high the tide is coming. It’s interacting with our bike paths and our roads,” Andrew Meyer, Director of Conservation at The San Diego Audubon Society told NBC7. “It really starts affecting our Mission Bay High School, it starts affecting our Barnard Elementary School."

King Tides are not caused by rising sea levels, but they do serve as a preview for what's to come in the San Diego area.

NBC7 reports that the City of San Diego is projected to see a rise between 1.2 and 2.8 feet by the year 2050.

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