Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Posts Video Message to Russia

In a video released Thursday. former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger addresses Russian people, Russian soldiers and the Russian president.

The famous politician and actor posted on Twitter a passionate nine-minute video created and produced by ATTN: in which he urged Russian citizens and military members, in particular, to hear "the truth." The former bodybuilder said he wanted to dispel information and urged Russia's government, military and citizens to end the ongoing violence.

"The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me," said the 74-year-old. "That is why I hope that you will let me tell you the truth about the war in Ukraine and what is happening there. No one likes to hear something critical of their government, I understand that. But as a longtime friend of the Russian people, I hope that you will hear what I have to say."


(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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