By 2030 You'll Either Pay Per-Mile To Drive Or Ride Transit For Free

San Diego County transit officials have developed a $160 billion dollar plan that would encourage use of public transportation by providing free access to bus and trolley service, while charging those who drive their own vehicle a per-mile road charge.

The regions transportation agency, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), will be sharing the details of the plan during a public board meeting this Friday, October 29, 2021.

The agency is finalizing their "blueprint" for what a modernized transportation plan might look like in the San Diego region. The plan includes dedicating highway lanes for buses and carpools, as well as a new high-speed transit system that has twelve new stations.

SANDAG's long term plan still lacks funding, although it's likely that a half-cent sales tax measure to support it will be included on the November 2022 ballot.

A primary part of the Regional Transportation Plan would include a 4-cent, per-mile road charge that could collect over $34 billion dollars over 20 years (2030 - 2050). Collection of the road charge would be rolled out in 2030.

Details about Friday's SANDAG public board meeting are available here.

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