Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


Help Us Help Others by Helping the East County Toy Drive

Having gone out to dinner this weekend, that is, by going to a restaurant and taking out the dinner in containers, it was easy to see the impact on the restaurant business of the current stay at home order and how it is taking a toll.

It’s taking its toll not only financially, but in picking up our to-go order. You could also see the emotional toll it’s taking.

The server saying he hopes the order to close indoor and outdoor dining is only three weeks, but then adding, it lasted longer last time, and his face showing the worry and the strain on restaurant owners and their employees.

Just look at today’s front page headline in the San Diego Union Tribune, “Latest Order Has Owners Putting Eateries on Ice.”

Thousands of restaurant workers are not working again.The San Diego Tourism Authority and the regional Labor Council say that some 77,000 service-industry employees are out of work.

Being out of work is hard but even harder when it happens during the holiday season.

The impact of the pandemic on jobs has led to non-profit organizations and churches not being able to meet all the needs for food and say that despite providing more this year, people in our community still are going hungry.

And that’s why we hope you can help us help the East County Food and Toy Drive this week which you will hear a lot about.El Cajon and several other East County communities are among the hardest hit areas when it comes to job losses.

We all need to help, so we can bring what many people right now need as we approach Christmas: food, toys and hope.

Here are the basic details
  • The Toy and Food Drive supporting The Salvation Army East County, will be on Dec 19thfrom 10am-1pm.
  • People are asked to bring an unwrapped toy, jacket, or non-perishable food donation to The East County Red Shield Center (1025 East Main St. in El Cajon).
  • Volunteers will be on hand (equipped in PPE) as people drive up to make their donation.
  • If people would rather make a financial donation to help purchase needed items, there are a couple of virtual options
Walmart Angel Tree Registry link:
To donate toward Virtual Red Kettle:

(Photo credit KOGO News)

Cliff Notes Podcast 12-14-20

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