Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


What Latest Restaurant Ruling by San Diego Judge Will Mean

The ruling Wednesday by a San Diego Superior Court Judge upholding the state’s restrictions on indoor dining due to COVID comes at a time when things have been starting to look like the rules were about to loosen up.

Governor Newsom said as much yesterday about a plan to make it easier for counties like San Diego and many others to move out of the state’s most restrictive color-coded tier, Purple, into the less severe Red tier, that allows restaurants to open indoors with limited capacity.

And if the judge who ruled in favor of the ban on indoor dining had checked out restaurants in the county, he would have discovered that there are many who have been doing indoor dining for the last several weeks and even going back more than two months. And these owners say they are following COVID protocol with masks and physical distancing.

Restaurant owners who never thought they would be defying the rules are now doing just that just in order to survive, even with the risk of facing fines.

So what happens next? No one knows for sure. With only a small percent of people having been vaccinated against the virus so far, it can still spread if people start not masking, distancing and the hand-washing.

With the one-year anniversary of the first lockdown down order in the country, the one here in California, just days away now, few of us would have thought we’d still be where we are today. And that’s why the #1 priority right now, should be for government leaders and everyone to all they can to get everyone gets vaccinated so all of us can finally put this pandemic behind us.

READ MORE about judge's ruling.

(Photo Getty Images)

Cliff Notes 3-4-21

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