Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


Preventing Post-Pandemic Pet Anxiety

Something to think about as people begin to return to their workplaces over the next few months.

Actually, it’s not a thing to think about, it’s an animal. The headline with the online story reads; “Start Preparing for Return to Wort Now to Avoid Causing Pet Anxiety.”

A clinical animal behavior specialist says that about 80-percent of dogs will experience separation-related anxiety when their owners return to the office. Having you around for the last year, and with dogs being social animals, the expert says it could be tougher on them than you think.

An animal cruelty prevention organization recommends not leaving your four-legged friend alone for more than four hours. And if you need to leave them longer, use a pet sitter or dog walker.

It could also save you some nasty emails and visits from your neighbors when your anxiety-suffering dog is barking a lot. The experts also suggest setting aside some quality time with your dog, doing things they enjoy, such as playing or just spending time together on the couch.

And while they say that while almost all dogs will feel anxiety at the thought of being at home alone, there are some cats who may also be a little anxious about their work at homeowners not being home as much. But of course, because they’re cats, and they don’t need you to walk them or pick up their poop, most of them are probably looking forward to having the place for themselves again.

(Photo Getty Images)

Cliff Notes on the News 3-15-21 Post Pandemic Pet Anxiety

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