Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


Finding Answers to Same Questions After Latest Mass Shootings

As someone on Twitter put it, “Another mass shooting, another day in America.” What is going on?

The question is being asked once again after two mass shootings in just six days. What happened in Boulder Colorado at a supermarket Monday afternoon was best described by the District Attorney there as a “tragedy and a nightmare.”’ 10 people including the first police officer on the scene, all shot dead by a man with a gun. Just six days earlier, another tragedy and nightmare when a man opened fire at three spas in George, leaving 8 people dead.

On social media, the same questions that are asked when one of these mass shootings happen are being asked once again. Not only what is going on but what do we do about it?

Many are quick to blame guns and say it’s time to ban them all. Others say strict gun laws are to blame, saying if more people were allowed to carry guns someone could have stopped this gunman. Yet Colorado law lets people do that.

So, what is going on and why does it keep going on….and most of all, what do we do about it? The same questions asked every time. And every time, no answers, no solutions.

It is time for everyone to stop asking questions and to do more, to do something to prevent these tragedies and nightmares.

WATCH NBC NEWS report from Boulder, Colorado.

(Photo Getty Images)

Cliff Notes on the News 3-23-21

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