You may soon be hearing a new greeting when you arrive at some restaurants, “Welcome, how many in your party and do you all have proof of your vaccination?”
The city council in Los Angeles is now considering the idea of vaccine mandates with the city of New York already moving forward with it. And a few restaurants are already doing it themselves
And there is a growing list of private businesses and retailers that have already announced that employees will be required to be vaccinated and that customers are encouraged to wear masks no matter what their vaccination status. If you’ve been out shopping this week, at places like Walmart, you see more masks being worn again.
With the news each day about a growing number of cases and hospitalizations among primarily those who have not yet been vaccinated, none of this should be surprising. This Delta variant form of the COVID virus is more contagious and more easily spread to more people.
And that’s why the stronger push is on by the White House and the CDC. And why lots of private employers now to require workers to be vaccinated or convince them be vaccinated through cash payments, extra vacation time or whatever they think will affect the procrastinators, the hesitant and even the refusers.
The pandemic will eventually end but it will take more shots in more arms to do it.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images