Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


A New Year's Resolution We All Need in 2022

We all know that while many people make New Year’s resolutions, the majority will fail to achieve them. But some research has shown that making resolutions can have positive effects.

And there’s one New Year’s resolution that we all could make this year. That would be to resolve to do all we can to help make the pandemic be gone and that everyone will get along.

The last two years have been filled with not only COVID but conflict. Since we all first heard about a virus we had never heard of till it spread from China to the United States and around the world, there has been controversy surrounding it.

The virus made an already politically divisive country even more divided, and some political leaders have only made it worse.

From legal battles in court to physical fights on flights, the disputes over what to do and what not to do about the pandemic has spawned a heated debate over personal rights as well as our personal responsibilities. Arguments over masks and arguments over vaccine mandates fill the news every day. The conflicts affecting friendships, families and even faith.

And now we prepare to enter a third year of this already too long pandemic. When it all started in early 2020, there was the message we all heard that often emerges when we face a crisis in our country, that we were all in this together.

If now we all resolve to do what we can, maybe we can end the pandemic the same way it began, not apart from one another, but together.

(Photo Getty Images)

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Photo: Getty Images

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