Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


STUDY: How Worrying About Pandemic Can Affect Your Mind

We all worry at least some of the time about this or that, but a new study suggests that worrying can have negative impacts that can make things worse.

The study by researchers at McGill University of more than 15-hundred Americans found that worrying about the now almost two-year-old pandemic not only stresses you out but can impair your cognitive abilities as well.

The study found that people dwelling on pandemic-related fears made poorer choices, miscalculated the risks of certain outcomes, and displayed slower mental processing speed.

They discovered that worrying about COVID related issues distorts your ability to evaluate certain risks, with the research team saying the impact worrying has on decision-making abilities may influence some people when considering certain topics like getting the COVID vaccine.

So, while not necessarily surprising, this study suggests that worrying a lot can make you worry about even more things. And the more you worry, the harder it is to think straight.

Something to think about, but not worry about, as we all want to make decisions that help get us to the end of the pandemic. And it also can serve as a reminder that hope is better than worry.


(Photo Getty Images)

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