If you’re a coffee drinker, you’ll be interested in the most recent report about coffee.
Described as the seven health benefits from drinking coffee every day, it details a series of studies that show that coffee can help reduce your risk of disease, and even make you better at your job.
In a study of more than 185,000 people that included all racial groups, scientists found there was a 12 percent lower incidence of death due to heart disease, stroke, cancer, liver disease and diabetes among those who drank one cup of coffee a day. And that the lowered mortality rate was 18 percent among those who drank two to three cups of coffee every day.
Another study found that having three to four cups of coffee a day many also lower the risk of even getting some diseases including Alzheimer’s.
A study has found that drinking coffee may help you lose weight and another study found that even the smell of coffee can help you do better on tests and more productive at the office.
Now while these studies may make coffee lovers happy, comes a recommendation to talk to your doctor about dietary and lifestyle changes. But this news probably means you will enjoy your cup of coffee more this morning.
(Photo Getty Images)