Remember the old saying about kids have it easier today than we did?
It can be argued that the old saying should now be retired. That was driven home during a family get together this weekend.
The conversation of course quickly turned to Ukraine and Russia and to the videos on social media and the live coverage on TV.
The scenes of war. The scenes of mothers and children saying goodbye to their husbands and fathers. The news of a dictator putting his nuclear weapons on alert. And the discourse and division over which political party is to blame.
It didn’t take long for the conversation about all that to be shut down by the mothers at the family get together who didn’t want the kids to have to listen to all of that.
At times like these, with fears of a small war in Europe possibly becoming a world war, and after the last two years of the deadliest pandemic in 100 years as schools shut down and students masked up and a lot of kids worried about the old people in their family, the kids today do not have it easy. Living in a more connected world, they are not as easily isolated from the bad things that happen.
The parents of today it can be argued have a harder time than in the past protecting their children from it and explaining to them why these things happen.
But times like these also remind us of how important our kids are and of our responsibility as parents and grandparents to help them, guide them and love them, a lot!
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images