Everyone is facing it. The record high price for gas.
We haven’t seen prices like these before, with the rising price setting new higher records every day.
It means everyone is paying a lot more money to fill up their tank. And the prospect of even higher gas prices is real. And no one knows for sure how high the price will go. Even the experts don’t know.
So, the only thing we can do is brace ourselves and do what we can to conserve the amount of gas we use so we can conserve our money.
Having gone through an unprecedented pandemic and watched an unprecedented storming of the U.S Capitol and now watching the horrors of a war, we now are facing unprecedented prices for gas which are likely to lead to higher prices for pretty much everything.
While no one likes it and while it means paying more money and finding ways to be smart about what we spend, most people you talk to are saying the same thing. We don’t like it, but few are complaining too much about it. Because we all realize that our pain at the gas pump is trivial when it comes the pain that millions of people in Ukraine are suffering.
And we all need to support them and keep praying for them.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images