Three words from the president of Ukraine this past weekend were the same three words that the president of the United States used last week.
"World War III". Ukrainian president Zelensky said Sunday in a CNN interview, that he is ready for negotiations with Russian president Putin, warning that if peace talks failed, it would mean a “third world war”. President Biden said last week and several times now that if U.S. troops or pilots were to engage Russian forces in combat, it would mean a “third world war.”
The thought of that is something none of us wants to even think about. But when watching the growing scenes of the death and destruction in Ukraine, we are reminded of images from history of what happened 80 years ago during the last world war.
And as we watch what’s happening in Ukraine, we see the millions of refugees fleeing and seeking safety in Europe and in America, many are financially helping and opening their hearts and their homes.
Frightened Ukrainian families are showing up at the San Ysidro Port of Entry asking for asylum due to a deadly war just like the many others from Mexico and Central American who seek safety from murderous drug cartels.
While the Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought more worry to the world, it also has brought much of the world together in a way that maybe has never been seen before.
None of us knows how this war will end, but we do know that it is a time for all of us to do what we can. And that includes doing what the worldwide hashtag says, “#Pray for Ukraine”.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images