Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


STUDY: How Smells Affect Our Health

We’ve all familiar with that age old advice to stop and smell the roses. Stopping and taking time to appreciate things.

Well now there’s a study out that says smelling the roses and other things in nature has a more positive effect than you might think.

The new research found that smells experienced in nature not only help you relax and can bring you joy, they can even make you feel physically healthier. The authors of the study say smells and odors play a major role in the benefits to spending more time outdoors in nature.

You know, the smells of spring air, fall leaves, winter crispness and summer breezes. And of tall grass, fresh flowers and a forest of trees.

Just think about it. The importance of our sense of smell does makes sense. And we all know how smells can also alert us to danger.

But not surprisingly, this study also found that smells do indeed spark personal memories we have that often make us feel good and give us a more positive and relaxed feeling when we’re tied up in knots.

So if you find yourself today getting all worked up, filled with tension, or feeling down, maybe you want to go outside, take some deep breaths, and smell what nature has to offer.

READ MORE about the study.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: Getty Images

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