Ever feel worn out at the end of the day even though you hadn’t done a lot of physical exercise or activity that day?
It could be because you were thinking really hard all day. That’s what a new study suggests. It found that a day of seriously hard thinking also can make you feel fatigued.
They studied two different groups of people: those who need to think hard for work and those with “relatively easier cognitive tasks” as they described it.
They say they found that when a brain is working hard, for several hours, higher levels of an amino acid called glutamate occur in the synapses of the brain’s prefrontal cortex.
You might have to think harder to understand all that scientific explanation.
But the evidence they say is there. When the brain works really hard, it may not work as well, and you can feel it. So they suggest not making important decisions if your brain is tired.
How do you do that? Nothing new they say, basically just rest and especially good sleep, which helps eliminate that build-up of the glutamate.
When you think about it. it’s worth thinking about. Just be careful not to think too hard for too long.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images