So now what happens? The elections are over and the Republicans will have a slight majority in the U.S. House and Democrats will keep their slight edge in the U.S. Senate.
Will Democrats in the House try to get a lot done quickly and get it signed by the President before Nancy Pelosi gives up the gavel to the new Republican Speaker of the House?
Will the Democrats in the Senate, who will still have the power, get lots of federal judges to their liking confirmed?
Will Republicans be able to get all members of a party that has a quarrel going on between the far right and the moderate members to agree?
And how will the former president running again for the party’s 2024 nomination affect Republican efforts in Congress during the next two years? Some pundits who have examined history say a Congress that is politically divided often is more productive in getting things done that have not gotten done when one party controls the House, the Senate and the White House.
Time will tell, but with American politics having deteriorated into a zero sum “I win, you lose” game, with each side battling and attacking each other, and rarely working together or being willing to compromise, the prospects may not be good.
In the end, two years from now, voters will again have their say, so they will be watching what happens.
(Photo Getty Images)