If you’re feeling rushed, you’re probably not alone. The holiday rush can indeed mean what it says.
This time of year can get very busy. Shopping for gifts, planning parties, going to holiday gatherings, and attending holiday events. And then there’s the year end planning and things you want and need to get done before the new year begins, from donations to tax deductible charities to getting medical checkups.
We tell ourselves that we can relax after the holidays. Really?
It’s been suggested that Christmas and other holidays this time of year should be a time of slowing down instead of just speeding up.
As local pastor Dr. David Jeremiah put it recently, “Slow down even for just a couple days and enjoy the lights, candles, decorations and the music. Our electronic devices including our phones all have off buttons.”
Yes this should be a time not only for rushing around, but a time for enjoying relationships. A time for making life more meaningful..
A time to contemplate, to ponder, and to celebrate the real meaning of the holidays.
A time to appreciate what you have and not what you don’t have.
A time to be grateful for family friends and faith and to celebrate life itself.
Christmas and the holidays can and should remind us of the more important things in life, things we should not forget even during this busy time of year.
(Photo c.e. albert)
( Austin TX )- Mozart's Christmas Light Show, an annual display that draws hundreds of thousands of people.