There are a lot of political issues that divide politicians. But the one that is stirring up the most controversy lately is the issue of immigration.
Of course it has been a contentious issue for several decades.
The decision this week by the Supreme Court to keep the Title 42 policy in place for now that began during the pandemic, is only the latest development.
It may prevent what has been an expected surge of migrants coming illegally and legally into the country, but it is not a solution to the much bigger problem that exists at the border.
What is needed is what has been needed for a very long time, that politicians from both sides mostly agree is needed.
A long-term comprehensive solution that addresses border security as well as an immigration system that allows those seeking asylum and a better life to do so in a fair and timely way.
But what political leaders say is needed is never done. During every election cycle, members of Congress and Presidents in the White House say they will work on long term solutions, but action never happens.
You would hope that now with those on both sides calling what has been happening a humanitarian crisis, there would be enough compassion in the hearts of our political leaders to finally set aside their political fights and stunts to actually solve a problem for a change.
But until they do, the immigration problem will remain a huge one.'
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images