Inflation and the higher prices for almost everything we buy these days and the higher cost of our gas and electric bills, trying to save money is harder for a lot of Americans right now.
But saving money has never been something that comes easy.
Some new research says close to a quarter of people admit to being poor or only fair at saving money. And there are probably more people who know that about themselves but won’t admit it.
This study also found a lot of people who do admit to not feeling financially secure for their future. The respondents saying that with a good chunk of their paycheck going to paying bills, and other monthly expenses like rent, mortgage and insurance, it can be difficult to save money.
This survey of about 2,000 employed men and women also looked at the differences between the sexes in how they save for the future. They found that men are more likely than women to rate their money-saving abilities as higher than average. But then we all know that men tend to boast and exaggerate about a lot of things more than women.
Financial planners will tell you there are wide differences when it comes to being good at how to save money. And marriage counselors will tell you that deciding which one of you is better at saving money is probably going to make for a better marriage.
(Photo Getty Images)