So it’s Valentines Day. It's all about love right? But what exactly is love. Looking on line you will find all kinds of definitions of love.
A recent scientific study looked at what happens in our brains when we fall in love. The scientists found that what they call neuropeptides and neurotransmitters are the source of love. They say that as social creatures, these natural chemicals evolved and developed to help us survive by encouraging mutual support, reproduction and cooperation.
But other experts on love say love is not about the interaction of chemicals in your brain. They says its more than that. It’s about feelings and emotions that humans have and animals don’t have.
Some also say love is about the soul that makes us uniquely who we are. A lot of married people talk about their soul mate.
But there are psychologists who say love is not about chemicals or feelings. It’s more about behavior. They point out that love is about actions not feelings because feelings can change.
And then there are spiritual leaders who say love is about caring so much about someone that you put their needs before yours.
And when it comes love Valentines Day is a reminder to make today every day.
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