Maybe what we saw in the skies over San Diego this week was a sign.
The planets Jupiter and Venus side by side, two bright lights shining above. It almost looked like a pair of eyes looking down on us.
There were some who may have thought it was extraterrestrial and others who may have joked it was a balloon from China. But it was a natural occurrence. Officially it’s called a.. planetary conjunction. Jupiter and Venus passing within half of one degree of each other. Astronomers say that's about the diameter of a full moon - a near kiss in terms of space.
So what was it a sign of?
Maybe that all the storms, with all the rain, all those winds and all that snow were over. And that sunshine and more typical San Diego weather was finally returning as we head toward the first official day of Spring later this month.
Or could it have been a wink from Mother Nature asking us for a thank you for bringing the rain that we needed in what has been looking like a very bad drought year.
Or maybe, in the political realm, could this kiss in space between Jupiter and Venus have been a prophecy that there are signs of an end to the deep and nasty divisiveness and a move by our political leaders to work together instead of constantly fighting with each other?
We can only hope that could happen…but it might take more heavenly intervention.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images