There seems to be studies about almost everything.
And this week comes a report on a study done about something that we are all familiar with in one way or another, whether we like dogs or don’t like dogs, because we see it more and in places we don’t want to see it.
You guessed it. This new report is about a study on dog poop prompted by what apparently has been a rise in dog poop problems in recent years due to a rise in dog ownership in recent years during the pandemic.
According to the report, dog feces can contain microorganisms that cause illness in humans. Things like salmonella and E. coli and anti-biotic-resistant bacteria. One recent also found that dog feces washes into storm water and can be a significant contributor to pollution. So this health problem is a potential one for dog owners and those who are not.
This new report does say that most dog walkers do the right thing.
But it also says some dog owners believe they are too “proud to pick up” or think that it’s okay to leave dog poop in some spots. And that some dog walkers who are described as “disengaged” and don’t pick up even if they know about the possible health problems.
So now that we know all of this, all dog owners will be more considerate and everyone will be more careful where they step.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images