The 2024 presidential election is still more than a year and four months away but has already been underway for several months and tonight is the first of what will be a series of debates.
Tonight’s two hour debate among eight of the candidates who are running to win the Republican presidential nomination next year, minus Donald Trump who decided not to take part, is a major event but not anywhere close to being a deciding event.
Oh sure, one or more of the candidates taking part tonight might do badly enough to lose some support that will cost them funding and make them have to drop out soon.
Tonight will be the first time a lot of Republican voters will actually be able to hear and see what these eight candidates are like and will be paying more attention. Quick sound bites on the news in short bursts don’t tell much.
According to polls, a lot of Republican voters seem to already have made up their minds.
But with this being just the first debate, there are things that are going to go on over the next many months that will ultimately decide which of the Republican candidates becomes the party’s nominee at their convention a year from now.
And with the way our nation’s politics are these days, there are sure to be unexpected things that will happen between now and then that will affect the outcome. And no one will be surprised if there ends up being a surprise.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images