We all run into some bad drivers. Not literally very often, but we do see them and complain about them.
But who are the best drivers? The results of a recent study were not what most of us would have expected. If asked, most people would say that the newest and most inexperienced drivers would be the poorest drivers.
But this study found that teenage drivers have safer driving habits than those in their 20’s.
Researchers from UCLA had participants take a two hour driving course and then took a driving test with driving instructors in Los Angeles, the city considered to have the worst traffic of any city.
The study looked at four common factors among these teens and 20 something: Their age, their gender, their sports participation and their experience with video games.
They found that those in their teens were better drivers than those in their 20’s.
And they found that those who played sports were better drivers than those who don’t.
And despite previous research they said have shown improved spatial cognition as they call it, playing lots of video games appeared to have no effect on driving skills.
It doesn’t mean that you have to play sports to be a good driver. Being a good driver means learning well and taking it seriously, and according to this study, teens are not the worst drivers out there.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images