We all learn in school that America was founded on the principle of being a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Words chiseled into history by President Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address in 1863 during the Civil War.
While it was one of the shortest speeches ever delivered by a politician, it had has a giant impact in the 161 years since on what America’s government was designed to be all about.
Yet now, in this contentious presidential election year, you hear a lot of politicians from both political parties talking more and more about what those words of President Lincoln mean today.
What does a government of the people, by the people and for the people look like?.
There are two views that go back a long time, with one that says government needs to do more to help the people and the other view that says government doing less helps the people.
But in the world of government and politics here in 2024, some suggest those two views have never been more rigid and more divisive than they are now.
And maybe that’s why more voters this year seem to be unhappy with all politicians.
There was a time when most Democrats and most Republicans worked together to find middle ground to get things done for the people.
But now at times it has become more about politics than the people.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: Getty Images