Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


What You Discover After a Long Stay in a Hospital

We all know that in life, unexpected things happen. They happen to everyone. And sometimes those things involve your health. And when they do, we often learn something from the experience or we are reminded of something we may have once known but have forgotten.

Having just spent six weeks in a hospital and then another six weeks at home recuperating from what was supposed to have been a relatively routine surgery that unexpectedly led to some serious complications and a few days in intensive care, the experience may have been difficult, but it has left me with a healthier body and a healthier attitude about things that really matter.

It all led to a far greater appreciation and understanding of the people who work in health care. When you are sick in a hospital and not able to do much of anything yourself, you understand that sometimes in life, you are helpless and have to depend on other people you don’t even know.

Nurses, who have to deal with the sometimes menial and messy things they do to take care of you, will tell you it’s their job. But that’s only a part of their jobs. Because you learn how much they care.

It means holding your hand when you’re in pain or speaking encouraging words to you when you really most need to hear them. They’re not only administering medicine to you but they are also giving you their hearts.

It is said that angels can sometimes come to us without us even realizing it. That is until later, when we do, as I did.

(Photo Sharp Memorial Hospital)

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