Everybody who was there and even many who weren't are still talking about Comic-Con. They're not only talking about how well it went but also talking about how it goes in the years ahead.
With more than 135,000 people having been there in and around the San Diego Convention Center for four and a half days for the 55th Comic-Con event, what's on the minds of a lot of people and leaders in San Diego is how to make sure the city's largest annual convention and one of the biggest events for tourism and the economy for several decades now stays in San Diego.
Comic-Con 2024 was estimated to have generated a regional impact of more than $160 million, which includes both direct and indirect spending by visitors, who come from near and far every July be there.
The organizers of this huge signature and iconic annual event have an agreement with the city to be here through two more years, through 2026. But just as there have been in recent years, there are again rumblings and worries that Comic Con could move to Los Angeles or Orange County, after that. They latest concerns revolve around the enormously high prices some hotels charge for rooms during Comic Con.
Everyone expects lots of hotels as well as retailers and restaurants in San Diego to raise prices. It's as old as supply and demand . But Comic Con organizers have expressed serious concerns that many visitors could find themselves priced out.
City and business leaders don't want Comic Con going anywhere, so it is likely that an extended agreement beyond the year 2026 is probably likely. But until it is, super heroes everywhere could be on edge.
(Photo Getty Images)