We are now just one month away from the November elections. It’s pretty easy to tell. All you have to do is watch TV and you will see commercial after commercial about the candidates and the propositions every few minutes.
With mail in ballots already being cast in some states and voting by mail in California not very far off, there are lots of votes already being cast.
The political pollsters say most voters have probably already made up their minds on many of the candidates and at least some of the issues, but many have not.
The percent of total voter turnout is expected to be very high but not necessarily.
While 66 percent of eligible voters turned out in 2020, the highest turnout since 1960, when Kennedy and Nixon were the presidential candidates and while that 2020 voter turnout was a more than 7-percent increase in voter turnout than 2016, the highest jump from one election to the next since 1952, there has been only one span in history when turnout increased for three straight elections and that was 2000, to 2004 to 2008.
With voters sharply divided and emotionally charged, a record high voter turnout for the November 5th election of course would not be a surprise.
But some pundits have suggested that because of the tone of politics these days, some voters, especially younger voters, may be turned off to turn out.
We will know in just a few weeks.
(Photo Getty Images)
Photo: AFP via Getty Images