Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


A Study on Giving and What It Means

On this day when we are talking about giving to Rady Children’s Hospital, it’s worth thinking about a recent report from an organization called the Generosity Commission.

The report has raised some concerns about how giving Americans are and questions about what to do about it.

The study on charitable giving shows a steady decline in recent years in how much Americans are giving to charitable organizations.

The researchers looked at giving on Giving Tuesday which happens every year right after Thanksgiving when we say thanks for our blessings.

They found that the number of people who donated to organizations on that day has been declining every year, down 6 percent in 2021, 10 percent in 2022 and 3 percent in 2023.

The good news is that they found evidence of what some of the reasons may be for that which offer ideas on what can change that.

They see the fall in the number of people who give reflect a lack of trust in institutions, fewer social connections and a decline in religious faith.

The hope is that we will regain trust, renew friendships and restore beliefs in things bigger than ourselves.

And that’s what we are doing today what we are all doing….the iHeart Rady Children's Hospital...helping kids and families in our community who need help from a place where hope and miracles happen every day.

(Photo Rady Children's Hospital)

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