EL CAJON - As an El Cajon Police dog was recovering from a stab wound, officers found an opportunity to help another canine.
Last week the police dog, Jester, a nine-year-old Belgian Malinois, was stabbed in the head by a man suspected of slashing tires. During the trip to the animal emergency room, Sgt. Michael Murphy told reporting partner 10 News as Jester was recovering, he and another officer noticed a family with a two-year-old German Shepherd named Samson who was suffering from a rattlesnake bite. The family was concerned about the cost of the treatment.
“The owners weren’t sure they would be able to pay for everything," said Sgt. Murphy. "We looked at each other without even thinking, and said that we would cover the costs of the second dog.”
The El Cajon Canine Officers Association, which covers medical costs for retired police dogs paid for the family's $1,300 dollar bill.
“Knowing that these these people are making a hard choice, of maybe not doing all the services … We wanted to take that hard decision away from them, just like we do for our officers here,” said Sgt. Murphy.
The family called the officer's actions a blessing.
As for Jester, he's recovering and is expected to return to work just before his slated retirement.
Here's more on the story from reporting partner 10 News: