SAN DIEGO - More bike lanes are going in and residents and business owners in one San Diego neighborhood are not happy about it.
University Heights resident Susy Holts tells NBC 7 Mayor Todd Gloria is doing this despite months of pushback from residents in several communities..
“I’m incredibly frustrated, I despise what’s happening," said Holts. "He and the city council are not listening to the people or the residents."
Crews from the City of San Diego were out early Tuesday morning, spray-painting curbs red as they add protected bike lanes to Park Boulevard from Adams Avenue to University Avenue. As a result about 80 parking spaces will be eliminated.
Business owners like Ben Evans say the lack of parking spaces is concerning.
“I think the mayor is more concerned about urban living and density more than what it’s going to do for small business in this area,” said Evans. “Where are all of our customers going to park if we lose this parking?"
But some residents say they like the idea of being able to bike safely in the neighborhood. The Mayor's Office says the bike lines were approved a years ago after a review of public input.
Photo: KGTV