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Comic-Con to Draw Big Crowd, Big Bucks to San Diego

SAN DIEGO - The return of Comic-Con is expected to inject some major cash into the San Diego economy.

Johnny Leal of Union Tap and Kitchen in Downtown San Diego tells NBC 7 says the pub is well stocked and ready to go.

"I'd expect that we'd see a solid 40 to 50 percent increase on our normal day to day," Leal said.

The pub also has an extra refrigerator with extra food just to make sure they don't run out during the convention.

The San Diego Convention Center has released its economic forecast for Comic-Con, saying the protentional impact to the local economy could be more than $164 Million dollars. That's up 14-million from the last full-scale event in 2019. The pop-culture convention draws fans from all over the world. More than 135-thousand people are expected to attend.

The convention officially kicks off Thursday.


Photo: KGTV

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