SAN DIEGO - Mixed reactions as the City of San Diego prepares to put in bike lanes in the Convoy Asian Cultural District, which will result in 300 fewer parking spaces.
Business owners in the district told KPBS the lack of street parking will hurt them and the street is pretty dangerous for bike riders given the high number of vehicles that travel through the area. But the City of San Diego says a study showed that most people driving to the Convoy District are parking in private parking lots or on side streets and not on the main drag.
The real question is, why put bike lanes in this area, since, there really isn't a lot of residential units nearby?
Bike enthusiasts are looking forward to the change, saying it will encourage them to spend more time in the bustling food and entertainment village. But for drivers, we'll just have to wait and see how traffic is affected once the bike lanes are in.
Convoy Street will be repaved sometime within the next six months.
Photo: CalTrans