SAN DIEGO - Parents are weighing in about Governor Newsom's plans to make the overdose-reversing drug Naloxone, also known as Narcan, available at all middle and high schools in the state.
“If it’s on the rise and problems are happening, I think it’s necessary to have it on campus and make sure we can save someone’s life,” San Diego Unified parent Tommy Cotner told NBC 7.
San Diego Unified already provides the powerful medicine at middle and school campuses. But Cotner agrees with other parents that the presence of Narcan could encourage risky behavior among students.
"Kids might think it’s OK to venture and try drugs and overdose because we have something n to save them on campus," he said.
The governor's plan would spend about $3.5 Million to make sure staff and students have access the the drug. The plan is a part of the Governor's effort to combat the growing fentanyl and opioid crisis in the state.
San Diego Unified would use any additional money from the state to make the medicine available at elementary schools. Rady Children's Hospital says there have been recent cases with children as young as two years old who have overdosed on fentanyl due to accidental exposure.