LaDona Harvey

LaDona Harvey

LaDona Harvey is the former host of San Diego's Morning News on News Radio KOGO AM 600, she fills in on Talk Programming. Full Bio


On Kathy Griffin, and Being Tasteless

Was the Kathy Griffin photo shoot tasteless? Yup. 

Was it illegal? probably not, and in my humble opinion, if the Secret Service investigates it, it's a massive waste of both time and money. 

Frankly, I doubt her narrow shoulders pack enough power to open a jar of pickles, let alone behead someone. 

Kathy is a comedian, and we pretty much expect comedians to cross the line. And then sometimes, they go so far over the line, there is no coming back. 

I am pretty sure miss Griffin is finding herself alone...way out in that field, about now. Anderson Cooper, her best friend, has condemned the photo shoot...I despair over their future friendship. 

And that is as it should be. It was a stupid, dumb, idiotic thing to do. I am sure there are more adjectives I could throw in there, but you get the point. 

People are passionate about politics. And that is just fine. But too many are crossing some lines it is not OK to cross. 

The bile spewing across Facebook, and the airwaves has become toxic. Griffin is just the latest bad-actor in a b-movie that has been playing in this country for years. 

Extremists have seized the narrative. She is one, and there are other's on both sides, crossing lines all over the place. . 

Maybe it's time us normal folks take the reins. These people are going to drive us into a wall...or up one.  

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