San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

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Yeah, You SHOULD Care About Revenge Porn

Revenge Porn. It's not just for movie stars and Kardashians. And you should care very much, if you have daughters.

If you have a daughter who is much older than 10, she is already being put under enormous pressure to send boys naked pictures. And she may have already caved. If she has...Those pictures have already made it to the internet. I'm sorry.

It's all fine and good to say, "Don't send naked pictures." Right up until your little girl has grown men contacting her through Facebook or Snapchat or whatever her social media of choice, is. 

Right up until you read what those men are saying to your girl. 

Then all you can do is deal with the blow-back. It is a nightmare, no matter what age you are when it happens. And it can happen, no matter who you are. 

"Don't make a sex tape." 

"Don't send naked pictures."

"Don't have naked pictures on your phone." 

Great advice, sure. But we are human, and we do things that we believe to be private, that we expect to stay private. I am sure many times they do. 

Right up until they don't. 

And then someone will cavalierly decide a woman "Has it coming." 

If they really want to be harmful, they will release the video on Facebook with full identifying information. Addresses. Phone numbers. Workplaces.

It nearly ruined Sabrina Sabbagh's life. Sabrina is a nice woman. She works hard, and is trying to build a company from scratch. 

The fact is, what happened to Sabrina is illegal, and while SOME may say, "She had it coming." She didn't.

She is also fighting to get whoever released her information, prosecuted, and jailed. She had to put her life on full-stop to deal with the horror. She could be your daughter. She could be your wife. Sabrina doesn't deserve this anymore than any other woman you know and love. Hear some of her story here: 

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