San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

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It's EVERYWHERE! Already! Christmas Creep, and What it Says About YOU!

I am not a woman who is enamored of Christmas in the first place.

I outlined the reason why, a few years ago, in a blog about pinball machines, which sent part of my family into a frothing, snappish, high dudgeon-and-mighty back and forth, with me at the, bewildered, center.

Honestly, it was silly and stupid, and there was a fair bit of misunderstanding on the part of the fam...but I am pretty sure I will never be forgiven. Eh...what are ya gonna do?

I suspect that it will never become my favorite holiday, even as I now have a deeper understanding of my lack of sentimentality regarding Christmas. But I digress.

Some people, my lovely ex-husband, James, among them, luuuurve Christmas.

And some, like my dear friend Darren Adam, are over the top.

Well, it turns out, sciency people doing sciency things compared Grinches like me, to people who are thrilled to find a Christmas section in Wal Mart in SEPTEMBER(!) and discovered that the elves have it all over me and the snark-brigade.

Apparently, the Christmas elves are happier people that you and me, if you dread the sound of bells and choirs.

So I will be over here, staying out of the Christmas aisle, sipping my pumpkin spice cappuccino, while the rest of you get your Christmas on in September(!)

I shall begrudge you your holiday joy, no longer.

But I am not taking part.

But go ahead.

You do you.


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