If you were anywhere near a Starbucks this weekend (and really, are we ever THAT far from a Starbucks??!!!), you probably saw signs like this -- Unicorn Frappuccino -- SOLD OUT!
I took a picture of this sign at a Starbucks in the North County. I don't want to say exactly where because I had a very candid conversation with the barista about the Unicorn Frap. She says she's glad the sweet/sour, psychedelic colored drink is officially retired as of yesterday. She told me they're messy to make, taste terrible and she worried because most of the people ordering and drinking them were kids. Remember -- a large Unicorn Frap has 76 grams of sugar!
To her chagrin, she and I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of the mystical, magical drink. The marketing on this beverage was amazing... and I have no doubt Starbucks has realized just how profitable this concoction has been.
Maybe next time it won't be a Unicorn Frappuccino... perhaps a Leviathan Latte? Food for thought...
Oh -- and by the way -- if you still need your Unicorn fix -- check out what LaDona found!