As unaccompanied minors are crossing the border at a record pace, foster parents are being asked by Social Services to care for a mind-boggling 26 or more illegal immigrant children per household.
Just days before illegal immigrant children were sent to the San Diego Convention Center, local foster care homes and centers started receiving calls from the Community Care Licensing Division asking how many beds they had available to house illegal immigrant children.
Foster parent Travis Kall shared the voicemail he received on March 12, 2021 with Carl DeMaio.
“This is an emergency message. Please respond to this urgent message from the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD). CCLD would like to know how many available beds you have to serve additional youth,” stated the voicemail from CCLD.
In addition, Krall and his wife received an email asking for the same information, but it also provided them a way to communicate how many beds they have - ranging from zero to 26 or more. CCLD, a division of California's Department of Social Services that oversees foster home and care licensing, typically allows a maximum of 6 beds per foster home.
“Unfortunately, it’s not just what’s happening at the San Diego Convention Center,” stated Carl DeMaio. “We are now finding that the illegal immigrants are crowding out other capacity to deal with at-risk children who are actually citizens,” DeMaio continued.
In addition to asking about open beds, the CCLD email admitted that they were “trying to address the needs of a record number of unaccompanied children who are arriving from Central America.”
“Biden has created a massive surge and that surge is showing no signs of slowing down,” stated DeMaio.
Krall and his wife run a non-profit organization that fights against human trafficking in California. They are worried that the surge is only going to get worse and that this may just be the beginning of a mess that’s unfolding at our border.
Listen to Carl talk to Travis Krall about the Biden Administration and CCLD asking local foster homes to house illegal immigrant children HERE