Vaccines are on the way… but who will get them first?
Vaccines are on the way and the first round will go to healthcare workers. So, who did Newsom decide it gets the next round? Well, he used identity politics and decided race should be a factor, so minorities will be next. Does Covid-19 target people based on their skin color? And it turns out that kids are organizing and attending secret parties which is causing a rise in coronavirus cases. So, wouldn’t we be better off giving the vaccine to people who are at the most risk and those who are most likely to cause the spread… like these kids?! Either way, the government has created these secret parties because they have shut down all the places that 18 - 39 year old's go!
The Potentiality Criminality of A Poorly Placed Sneeze
The Potentiality Criminality of A Poorly Placed Sneeze