Volunteers Help Reduce Fire Risk on San Diego Freeways

Fire danger is a year round concern, and a major source of fuel for many fires is right along the freeway.

Everett Townsend is the district divison chief of maintenance with Caltrans for San Diego and Imperial Counties.

He tells KOGO News they clear brush six to eight months a year in both San Diego and Imperial Counties.

There are several resources used to help Caltrans efforts, including public service workers, the California Conservation Corp, contractors and volunteers.

If you want to volunteer, it's part of the Caltrans adopt a highway program.  

The program is geared toward removing litter, planting trees or flowers, removing graffiti and there is some vegetation control.

You can also request Caltrans look at a certain area of concern on state property either by calling Caltrans or online. On the link to report maintenance issues, check the dropdown box for “Please select the type of Customer Service” and note the five choices at the top – those represent the most requests:

Photo Credit: KOGO

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