Getting Ready for the Age of the Jetsons

Every day it seems there’s a new story about the dockless bikes and dockless motorized scooters and the problems they’ve caused in San Diego and lots of other cities.

They’re popular, but that popularity also creates problems when it comes to safety and sidewalk space and bikes and scooters sometimes blocking entrances to shops and businesses.

These new forms of transportation are probably here to stay at least for a while until the next big thing comes along and that could be driverless cars in the years ahead. Driverless cars that pick people up and drop people off.

So all these currently new forms of transportation and the ones still in the future have prompted San Diego City Council members to create what they are calling a Mobility Board to deal with the safety and many other concerns about all the new ways we are getting around.

Councilman Chris Ward saying at the City Council Rules Committee meeting this week, “We continue to experience a sea change in transportation, and it's only going to continue."

No doubt they will. And cities like San Diego and others are just now starting to focus on what to do about them and how to regulate them.  Bans on motorized scooters in some areas, only designated areas to leave your dockless bike or scooter, are just a couple of measures that are being talked about or implemented in some cities.

The changes in the ways we now have to get around have happened quickly and more are coming, so it’s a good idea for San Diego and other cities to stay ahead of the curve. 

It’s not that hard to imagine one day when hovering drones will transport us from one location to another and those "Jetsons" cartoons become real life.  (WATCH intro to classic cartoon series below)

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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