How to Honor an American Hero on Election Day

If you’re still thinking about whether to vote on this Election Day, you need to hear the words of Brent Taylor.

A husband and father of seven, Brent was mayor of a small town in Utah.  He served a decade in the National Guard.  Seven years active duty. Two tours in Iraq. One in Afghanistan.

He was well liked in his home town. They gave him a police escort and the town lined the streets as he left last January for a one year deployment in Afghanistan.

Last weekend, his home town got word that he had been killed, in an insider attack, shot dead by a member of the Afghan army.  Brent Taylor, who was only 39 years old, leaves behind quite a legacy for such a short life.

But it is what he said, in his own words, just a few days before he died, in his last post on Facebook that has drawn attention to him on this Election Day.

Hear the words of Brent Taylor:

“It was beautiful to see over 4 million Afghan men and women brave threats and deadly attacks to vote in Afghanistan’s first parliamentary elections in eight years….a success for the long-suffering people of Afghanistan and for the cause of human freedom….many American, NATO allies, and Afghan troops have died to make moments like this possible.”

And then in his FB post, Brent Taylor had a message for all of us:  “As the USA gets ready to vote in our own election next week, I hope everyone back home exercises their precious right to vote. And that whether the Republicans or the Democrats win, that we all remember that we have far more as Americans that unites us than divides us. ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’ God Bless America.”

The words of an American hero….who we all can honor today…by making sure we vote.

Read more about Brent Taylor.

For info on where to vote today.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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