Will San Diego Have a Wild and Wet Winter?

It looks like what we asked for last month is here this month.

During the wildfires last month here in California, all the talk was that we needed and wanted some rain.  We’ve had a very dry year when it comes to rain and there has been talk this year of another lingering drought ahead.

But with the rain about a week ago and now more this week, and signs of more rain ahead, it looks like our winter season could be a wet one.

We’ve almost become used to not much rain in recent years. 

So when you wake up this morning and see more rain coming down and the yellows and oranges on the weather radar and the advisories from the National Weather Service about possible road flooding and the warnings from the CHP to slow down and to pay more attention, it ALL gets your attention.

And when SeaWorld makes rare announcements that it has to close for a second day in the last week or so because of a rain storm, you’re reminded of how unusual this is to actually have some periods of rain.

While we don’t necessarily want a White Christmas in San Diego, given the wildfires we saw last month and a year ago this month including the Lilac fire in the North County a year ago this week, we’ll definitely celebrate a wet Christmas.

(Photo credit C.E. Albert)

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