Navy Man Found Guilty of Vehicular Manslaughter in Chicano Park Crash

A Navy Petty Officer has been convicted in connection with a crash in Chicano Park in 2016 that left four people dead.

A San Diego jury has found 27-year-old Navy petty officer Richard Sepolio guilty of vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated. His pickup crashed along a section of freeway leading to the Coronado Bridge and the vehicle came down onto people below in Chicano Park.

Four people were killed and seven injured in the crash that happened on October 15, 2016. The jury did not find Sepolio guilty of gross negligence, but rather ordinary negligence in the case. The jury also cleared Sepolio of reckless driving charges, and found that his level of intoxication was not over the legal limit.

The jury reached its verdict on Monday but the announcement was delayed until Wednesday due to the court holiday Tuesday for Lincoln's birthday and to allow family to travel to San Diego to hear the verdict.

(Photo credit reporting partner 10News)

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