Documentary on Duncan Hunter and 50th District Congressional Race

A powerful and informative film documentary series about the scandal involving a San Diego area congressman debuts this month.

The documentary is about 50th Congressional District Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter who is scheduled to be sentenced in March after pleading guilty to a federal charge of coin December and then announcing his resignation from Congress effective January 13. 2020.

The San Diego Union Tribune, that first broke the story of Duncan Hunter in 2016, has produced a film documentary series about the case entitled: "The 50th: A Scandal. A Dynasty. An Election."

I talked with Union Tribune journalists Sam Hodgson and Morgan Cook about the documentary and how the investigation into Duncan Hunter first got started.

The documentary series is being shown on January 22nd at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido at 6:30 p.m. For tickets, you can go to the San Diego Union Tribune web site:


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